Use the form to inquire about lost items at EightyTwo. Please note that left credit card tabs are closed out at the end of the night. Credit cards must be picked up with a government photo ID that matches the credit card. All Items may be picked up during our open hours.
EightyTwo is designed to operate as a public space that can accomodate large groups each day. We do not take reservations at EightyTwo, and all seating is first come first served at all times. We can generally accommodate groups of up to 50 persons without a wait during our regular hours except from 9pm-2am on Friday and Saturday. During those peak hours things can be a bit busier, so we suggest if you are coming on those nights with a group that you arrive as early as possible. Please note when planning a birthday that we do not allow balloons, decorations, or food at EightyTwo.
If possible, we prefer to remain open during our regular hours each day; but full buyouts are occasionally possible Monday-Thursday. If you are interested in a full buyout or rental, or have other questions about a bringing a group to EightyTwo please fill out the form below.
Please note that we do not respond to unsolicited marketing emails or automated requests of any kind.
All booking and event requests must be submitted using the form in the Events, Buyouts & Bookings section above.
For inquiries unrelated to event booking or lost items, or for issues with this site please email us: